Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sun, Snowcovered mountains and Birds

Our arrival in ANK went without a hitch; we picked up our RV and set off to super WALMART for vitals and a place to overnight. Tried to make it dark inside our RV, but resorted to an eye mask for me. Charlie didn't need a thing! I think it's getting dark around 11pm, but not really sure. Light again around 5am. Nights have been cold!! But the first 2 days were in 60s and sunny, an unusual stretch warm weather for 14 days that ended last night!

We walked a lovely wooded park/botanical garden in ANK on Tues. The leaves are just starting to pop and a light covering of ash from the recent volcano eruption covered the leaf litter in a dusty gray. With no rain since the 'ashing,' the gray remained when the snow melted. Besides a few birds, we crossed paths with a female moose no more than 20 ft away, unconcerned about us - and us with no camera in hand!

Later we tried to go to Alaska Native Heritage Museum, but it does not open until this weekend so we'll hit it at the end of May.

We ended our day at Potters Marsh.

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