Sunday, May 17, 2009

Denali Highway (E access)

The Denali Highway runs E and W connecting Paxson and Cantwell. It had been cleared of snow and opened 2 days before we drove in the 21 paved miles from Paxson. The views of the Alaska Range to the north were spectacular. I was in quest of any of the 3 species of Ptarmigan, a member of the grouse family. As we stood looking at the first information sign, there was a loud squawking to our rear and a male Willow Ptarmigan landed almost at our feet. A female was over the bank in front of the sign. Not sure if we were in his territory, or whether he was so intend on impressing the female that he didn't care about us, but he performed a spectacular strut and then flew off. Now that's what I call a life bird to really count!

This is the view from Paxson Lake campground. The ice was just pulling away from the edges and there were lots of ducks close in for viewing. Charlie identified his first Wandering Tattler all by himself without me around. Another lifer for us both and a good bird to get.

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