Sunday, May 10, 2009

Homer Shorebird Festival

For the past 3 days we have been in Homer, on the W side of the Kenai Peninsula. The terrain is much different here - broad 'plains' of wetland and scrub Sita Spruce - we left the mts and snow behind. The festival has apparently been uncharacteristically beautiful weather, sunny, albeit cold and windy. However, the Fri am boat trip out into the bay to Gull Isl and beyond was as good as it gets!! Glassy clear waters, sun and great bird and otter activity to observe. There were 100s of Red-necked Phalaropes on the water and we had 1 bird each of Surfbird and Wandering Tattler and Red-faced Cormorant - all lifers for me.

Have done forest birding, shorebird birding, gone to lectures and Inuit folklore presentations. One more day here and we will head N.

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