Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pinnacle RV Park et al...

Traveling east from Palmer to Glennallen on Thursday, May 15, we were enticed to stop at a cafe/RV park/animal farm/tourist attraction because of the old machinery, et al displayed. This garden, with the creative 'boot hill' in the background, has yet to get its flowers! When I asked Charlie what was his best sighting of the day (same one when we saw the moose), he said, "the 1928 Case steel wheeled tractor that still runs!" The woman owner said she won't let the boys run around with it because it makes too many divots! Heck, most yards are the black gravel/native grasses variety with little 'manicuring!'

Besides RV hookups, the place had llamas, alpacas, ducks, chickens, turkeys, pigs, 4 kinds of goats. There were many old tractors and farm machines as well as 'bicycles', stoves and other antiques galore. We chatted a long time with the owner, both she and husband former truckers. They are definitely having great fun with this venture. We did too! She makes the best homemade cookies!

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