Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Our last day was in Calgary where we stayed in a dorm at the U of Calgary! Remember those days of white concrete walls, 2 beds, 2 desks, (only) 1 chair, small closet and the bathrooms down the hall shared with 20-30 others!!!! How did we ever do THAT?

There is some great open agricultural land north of Calgary which is rapidly being eaten up with large developments with row after serpentine row of houses only a few feet apart... Ugly!

The last evening I went on a bird walk along the Bow River Park which runs through the city. As we returned to the parking lot, the leader asked me if I had seen a Gray Partridge in my travels yet? Heck, that bird wasn't even on my radar as a possible!!! It was life bird # 20 during the trip!!! What a great way to end!

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