Friday, June 12, 2009

VIA rail across B.C.

WOW!! We have had a few days of sensory overload, and I expect it will continue. We boarded an Inside Passage Ferry from Juneau to Prince Rupert, BC. - depart Thurs, June 11@ 7:45pm, arv early a.m. Sat. (2 stops) The community is celebrating Seafest. What fun watching the parade of local bands, floats, organizations, native dancers, etc. - and - there were more people there than we have seen our whole trip!!!!

Sunday, 8 am, we boarded the Skeena train on the VIA rail system for a 2 day trip across British Colombia. The trip takes you along 2 major river systems and the only road across southern BC. Despite the time on the train, 13 hrs on day 1 and 9 hrs on day 2, the fact that we were such a small group (only 25-30) of travelers - mostly European - made for good fun and conversation. The picture shows Mt Robson, the highest peak in Canada which is on the western edge of the Rockies.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you’re having an amazing trip! Glad to hear the VIA train leg across BC was so much fun :-)
